Feast of St. Aloysius -2023

The feast of St. Aloysius  – the patron of our school was celebrated on the 20th of June. The mass was offered for the intention of the staff and students. On the 19th of June  was the adoration of the blessed sacrament in the chapel.

Welcoming the new Principal- 2023

A prayer service was held on the reopening of the school on the 15th of June. The new principal , Sr. Saumya was welcomed with a bouquet of flowers.

Maharashtra Day- 2023

Maharashtra Day is celebrated on May 1st to commemorate the day when Maharashtra achieved statehood in 1960.It is a day of immense significance for the people of Maharashtra , as it marks the culmination of their struggle for a separate state .The day is celebrated across the state with cultural events, parades and other public gatherings. May 1st, is also …

Retirement of Sr. Reena- 2023

Sister Reena , the Principal of St. Louis Convent retired on the 14th of November 2022. Sister joined St. Louis Convent in June 2010 .With hearts full of gratitude, the students presented an overwhelming farewell programme for Sister Reena on the 11th of April and the staff members bid farewell to Sister on the 28th of April 2023.

Staff Picnic – 2023

The staff members went on a picnic to Rajodi Beach Resort located at Virar, on the 13th of April .The journey to the resort was an enjoyable one , both due to the exquisite scenery along the way and the singing in the bus. After having breakfast , some staff members went to enjoy in the pools ,on the water …

Science Day- 2023

National Science Day is celebrated on February 28, in commemoration of the discovery of the Raman Effect by the genius Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman, in 1928. For his discovery ,Sir C.V.Raman was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in 1930.The theme for the National Science Day 2023 was “Global Science for Global Wellbeing”, in light of India’s G20 presidency …

SSC Farewell- 2023

We are all on a journey in life, filled with emotions, challenges and events that test courage, character and commitment. The Louisian family bid farewell for the SSC students on the 10th of February , 2023.It was a day to recollect the learnings, blessings and pleasant memories which they experienced during their years of schooling. Great excitement could be seen …

Parent’s Day Celebration -KG Section -2023

The Parent’s Day Celebration of the KG Section was held on the 9th of February. The theme of the programme was ‘MARIANS IN WONDERLAND’. It was an extravagant and a completely entertaining display put up by the little ones. The tiny tots were all draped in beautiful coloured costumes to showcase their talent. The auspicious day initiated with the traditional …

Investiture Ceremony – 2023

The Investiture Ceremony is an occasion where we as a school respect and acknowledge the upcoming leaders and repose our trust in them. The Investiture Ceremony to induct the new Student Council for the year 2023 – 2024 was held on the 3rd of February. It is indeed a great honour to be chosen as leaders but it is also …

Republic Day -2023

India celebrated it’s 74th Republic Day on 26th of January, 2023.The students of the Primary section put up great performances to herald the nations 74th Republic Day.To honour the occasion, a dignified ceremony was held in school. the programme started with the sound of drums and the student council parade. The Primary school students escorted the Chief guest with a …